Make a Difference
The Cellar Coffee Bar is a huge step of faith for us as a church and we need help in three main ways:
Prayer: To pray regularly and if possible at our prayer time for the project Wednesdays 12.00noon at church.
Practical: Many skills are needed on the Action Group as we continue to work hard to maintain the Cellar. Welcoming Volunteers.
Finance: As well as seeking funding through grants we really need to raise funds from within the congregation and contacts of the church.
One Off Gift
A simple gift is very welcome. However large or small it helps us move forward.
You can help make your gift even more fruitful if you pay tax by helping us reclaim tax on your gift through Gift Aid.
e.g. If 10 people gave £500 each we would raise at least £5000.
Regular Donation
Regular donations help us to plan ahead.
e.g. If 10 people gave £30 a month for 4 years we would raise £14,400.
Again if you are a taxpayer you can allow us to reclaim tax making your donation even more useful. Standing order is the best way to make regular donations.
Interest Free Loan
If you can loan the church money towards the project it can often make a huge difference.
The terms of repayment can vary and if this may be a way you can help do chat to Martin.
We may also be able to access loans from denominational sources.
Every gift makes a difference. You can see here three main ways to be involved.
Donations to the “Bridgwater Baptist Church Energise Project” account details are:
NatWest Bank
Sort Code: 60 03 27
Account number: 87185105
For further details and to give please contact us